About TSC Consulting

Our Story and Core Values

I got into computers when I was 13 years old.  My dad got me a Packard Bell 386sx/16 for Christmas and the first thing I did was take it apart and disassemble it all over my floor.  When I put it back together it didn’t work.  I was first scared thinking I just broke a two thousand computer and my dad was going to kill me.  Anyways I got it working and then I ended up doing running this command format c: on the hard drive and ended up wiping out the MS DOS operating system.  I had no idea what I did I was just very curious how this machine worked.  After I got things working and figured out what an operating system was and how to load it back on my main focus was to start learning operating systems so I could master them.  I figured if I started mastering operating systems I could trouble shoot pretty much anything.


Founder of TSO Consulting Co

Founded in 2015

TSC Consulting Co was established with the mission of providing exceptional computer support to small businesses. We understand the importance of documentation in maintaining a well-organized and efficient IT infrastructure.

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